By Bhaskar Rana
September 12, 2023
Dreamers aren't afraid of unexpected things. They are, in fact, the ones who are curious enough to unravel the unknown.
A dream is all where it starts! Dreamers are the lead characters of our stories that are interwoven with their ideals.
Dreamers are the unstoppable forces. They don't limit themselves to reality and walk their own offbeat path.
At their best, dreamers become the inspiration for doers to do the unthinkable and set an example.
Dreamers can put everything at stake to fulfill their dreams. They turn into a fiery ball of passion once they set their minds.
Unlike the stereotypes, dreamers aren't flaky. They are some of the strongest and most disciplined people you've ever met.
Dreamers are nothing without their uniqueness. They come up with out-of-the-box solutions that other people can't.
Dreamers are visionaries who believe that our world can be a better place. They do what they preach.
Dreamers are rare, but that's a good thing. We only need a few of them to redefine human potential anyway.
Dreamers are true idealists at heart. They are existentialists who uphold their idealism with both humility and pride.